

Following are the available online predictors provided by this package.

Adaptive MPP

AdaptiveMPP{SymbolType}(context_length::Int [,α::Float64 ])

Creates an Adaptive MPP predictor with a context depth of context_length and mixing coefficient $α$ for SymbolType. Default value of mixing parameter $α = 0.10$. SymbolType can be any valid type including Char, Int etc.,


julia> p = AdaptiveMPP{Char}(4)
DiscretePredictors.adaptiveMPP{Char}([*] (0)
, Char[], 4, 0.1, Inf, 0.0, [0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2], Dict{Char,Float64}[Dict{Char,Float64}(), Dict{Char,Float64}(), Dict{Char,Float64}(), Dict{Char,Float64}(), Dict{Char,Float64}()])

julia> p = AdaptiveMPP{Char}(4,0.13)
DiscretePredictors.adaptiveMPP{Char}([*] (0)
, Char[], 4, 0.13, Inf, 0.0, [0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2], Dict{Char,Float64}[Dict{Char,Float64}(), Dict{Char,Float64}(), Dict{Char,Float64}(), Dict{Char,Float64}(), Dict{Char,Float64}()])

Reference: V’yugin, Vladimir V. "Online Aggregation of Unbounded Signed Losses Using Shifting Experts." Conformal and Probabilistic Prediction and Applications. 2017.


Active LeZi


Creates an Active LeZi predictor for SymbolType. SymbolType can be any valid type including Char, Int etc.,


julia> p = ALZ{Char}()
DiscretePredictors.ALZ{Char}(Array{Char,1}[], [*] (0)
, Char[], Char[], 0)

julia> p = ALZ{Int}()
DiscretePredictors.ALZ{Int}(Array{Int,1}[], [*] (0)
, Int[], Int[], 0)

Reference: Gopalratnam, Karthik, and Diane J. Cook. "Online sequential prediction via incremental parsing: The active lezi algorithm." IEEE Intelligent Systems 22.1 (2007).


Dependency Graph


Creates a Dependency Graph predictor for SymbolType with lookahead window of win_length. SymbolType can be any valid type including Char, Int etc.,


jjulia> p = DG{Char}( 4 )
DiscretePredictors.DG{Char}([*] (0)
, Char[], 4)

julia> p = DG{Int}( 3 )
DiscretePredictors.DG{Int}([*] (0)
, Int[], 3)

Reference: Padmanabhan, Venkata N., and Jeffrey C. Mogul. "Using predictive prefetching to improve world wide web latency." ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review 26.3 (1996): 22-36.


Discounted HEDGE with PPM

dHedgePPM{SymbolType}( c::Int, [ β::Float64 = 1.0, γ::Float64 = 1.0 ] )

Creates a Discounted HEDGE Predictor for SymbolType with context length c, learning parameter $β$ and discounting parameter $γ$.


julia> p = dHedgePPM{Char}( 4 )
DiscretePredictors.dHedgePPM{Char}([*] (0)
, Char[], 4, 1.0, 1.0, [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], Dict{Char,Float64}[Dict{Char,Float64}(), Dict{Char,Float64}(), Dict{Char,Float64}(), Dict{Char,Float64}(), Dict{Char,Float64}()])

julia> p = dHedgePPM{Char}( 4, 0.8 )
DiscretePredictors.dHedgePPM{Char}([*] (0)
, Char[], 4, 0.8, 1.0, [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], Dict{Char,Float64}[Dict{Char,Float64}(), Dict{Char,Float64}(), Dict{Char,Float64}(), Dict{Char,Float64}(), Dict{Char,Float64}()])

julia> p = dHedgePPM{Char}( 4, 0.9, 0.8 )
DiscretePredictors.dHedgePPM{Char}([*] (0)
, Char[], 4, 0.9, 0.8, [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], Dict{Char,Float64}[Dict{Char,Float64}(), Dict{Char,Float64}(), Dict{Char,Float64}(), Dict{Char,Float64}(), Dict{Char,Float64}()])

Reference: Raj, Vishnu, and Sheetal Kalyani. "An aggregating strategy for shifting experts in discrete sequence prediction." arXiv preprint arXiv:1708.01744 (2017).


Error Weighted PPM

ewPPM{Char}( c::Int [,ϵ::Float64 = 1.0] )

Creates an Error Weighted PPM predictor with context length c and weighing paramter ϵ.


julia> p = ewPPM{Int}(3)
DiscretePredictors.ewPPM{Int}([*] (0)
, Int[], 3, 1.0, [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], Dict{Int,Float64}[Dict{Int,Float64}(), Dict{Int,Float64}(), Dict{Int,Float64}(), Dict{Int,Float64}()])

julia> p = ewPPM{Int}(3, 0.95)
DiscretePredictors.ewPPM{Int}([*] (0)
, Int[], 3, 0.95, [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], Dict{Int,Float64}[Dict{Int,Float64}(), Dict{Int,Float64}(), Dict{Int,Float64}(), Dict{Int,Float64}()])

Reference: Pulliyakode, Saishankar Katri, and Sheetal Kalyani. "A modified ppm algorithm for online sequence prediction using short data records." IEEE Communications Letters 19.3 (2015): 423-426.


K-th Order Markov Model


Creates a K-th Order Markov Model predictor with a context depth of context_length for SymbolType. SymbolType can be any valid type including Char, Int etc.,


julia> p = KOM{Char}(3)
DiscretePredictors.KOM{Char}([*] (0)
, Char[], 3)

julia> p = KOM{Int}(5)
DiscretePredictors.KOM{Int}([*] (0)
, Int[], 5)

julia> p = KOM{String}(4)
DiscretePredictors.KOM{String}([*] (0)
, String[], 4)



LeZi Update


Creates a LeZiUpdate predictor for SymbolType. SymbolType can be any valid type including Char, Int etc.,


julia> p = LeZiUpdate{Char}()
DiscretePredictors.LeZiUpdate{Char}(Array{Char,1}[], [*] (0)
, Char[], Char[])

julia> p = LeZiUpdate{Int}()
DiscretePredictors.LeZiUpdate{Int}(Array{Int,1}[], [*] (0)
, Int[], Int[])

julia> p = LeZiUpdate{String}()
DiscretePredictors.LeZiUpdate{String}(Array{String,1}[], [*] (0)
, String[], String[])

Reference: Bhattacharya, Amiya, and Sajal K. Das. "LeZi-update: An information-theoretic framework for personal mobility tracking in PCS networks." Wireless Networks 8.2/3 (2002): 121-135.




Creates a LZ78 predictor for SymbolType. SymbolType can be any valid type including Char, Int etc.,


julia> p = LZ78{Int}()
DiscretePredictors.LZ78{Int}([*] (0)
, Int[], Int[])

julia> p = LZ78{Char}()
DiscretePredictors.LZ78{Char}([*] (0)
, Char[], Char[])

julia> p = LZ78{String}()
DiscretePredictors.LZ78{String}([*] (0)
, String[], String[])

Reference: Ziv, Jacob, and Abraham Lempel. "Compression of individual sequences via variable-rate coding." IEEE transactions on Information Theory 24.5 (1978): 530-536.
