

A Julia package for online discrete symbol prediction

Setting up DiscretePredictors.jl

Library Outline

Brief Overview

A Julia package for online discrete sequence prediction.

API Overview:

  • p = Predictor{SymbolType}(parameters...) creates a predictor instance p with prediction algorithm Predictor (see choices below) of symbols of SymbolType with specified the parameters
  • add!( p, sym ) adds a symbol to the model
  • predict( p ) computes a probability distribution over the symbols seen so far by the model and returns it as dictionary of Dict{SymbolType,Float64}
  • info_string( p ) returns a human readable string about the predictor p
  • unique_string( p ) returns a unique string for the predictor p with paramter configuration
  • get_best_symbol( p ) returns the symbol of type SymbolType with highest probability under current context
  • size( p ) returns the number of nodes in current prediction model p.model

Available Predictors:


# Initialize a predictor
julia> p = KOM{Char}(4)
DiscretePredictors.KOM{Char}([*] (0)
, Char[], 4)

# Add some symbols
julia> add!( p, 'a' )

julia> add!( p, 'b' )

julia> add!( p, 'c' )

julia> add!( p, 'b' )

# Print out the model
julia> p
DiscretePredictors.KOM{Char}([*] (4)
+---[b] (2)
     +---[c] (1)
          +---[b] (1)
+---[a] (1)
     +---[b] (1)
          +---[c] (1)
               +---[b] (1)
+---[c] (1)
     +---[b] (1)
, ['a', 'b', 'c', 'b'], 4)

# Get prediction
julia> predict( p )
Dict{Char,Float64} with 3 entries:
  'b' => 0.25
  'a' => 0.125
  'c' => 0.625

# Get best symbol
julia> get_best_symbol( p )
'c': ASCII/Unicode U+0063 (category Ll: Letter, lowercase)

julia> info_string( p )

julia> unique_string( p )

julia> size( p )